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Women's Series
Plays by and about Women's Stories

We featured four outstanding One Act Plays, written by female playwrights from around the world, as well as a deeply moving dance piece that resonated with the audience. We were honored to to share this experience with all of you, keep scrolling to see images and reviews of the event!

We happily donated 10% of all proceeds to the Central Coast Chapter of GirlsInc., a nonprofit that empowers girls and young women.

Final Bow Video

​“Finally theatre that is up to par with New York and Chicago. I am a long time theatre goer and this is what the Peninsula needs.” ~Donna

"The Great Forgotten"

“One of the best performances I have seen in a long time. The Women’s Room was hilarious.” ~Olga

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"Alligator Toes"
"The Women's Room"
Final Bow!

"My husband and I recently attended the "Woman's Series" of short plays by Soapbox Productions. Wow! all four short plays were fantastic, dealing with profound subjects that included racial injustice, the continuing trauma of war and the often natural commoradarie of women. Despite their deep messages the plays were both dramatic and funny. We have seldom enjoyed ourselves so much in one evening and will be back again and again!"

                                                          ~Linda Fosler

"What a wonderful addition Soapbox has been to the local culture.  The one act plays of the Women's Series were the latest example of a night of entertainment that covered a broad range of topics, and elicited a full panorama of emotions.  Joy, sorrow, empathy, and social issues that were presented in an engaging way that connected with the audience. Looking forward to Playfest in October."                     ~Dick Haiduck

"Paul and I were very impressed with the Women's Series production in so many ways. The actors were excellent and so filled with emotion, the content was significant and meaningful, and the Wave Street Studios venue was impressive and filled with style and warmth. We look forward to attending many more plays by the Soapbox Stageworks Productions!"

                         ~Virginia and Paul Ratto

Final Playbill 7-16-24 .jpg

Soapbox Stage Works

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About Soapbox Stageworks​

Soapbox Stageworks provides a sandbox for international, US, and local Playwrights to premiere theatrical work in collaboration with ‘Creatives’ from the Monterey Peninsula to exhibit truly dynamic theatre. 

Culminating into distinct and provocative theatre experiences, Soapbox Stageworks produces the final material for performance with local and guest talent.  We have created a world-class sustainable theatre that welcomes every corner of our community and invites all facets of collaboration. There’s room in the sandbox for everyone at Soapbox Stageworks.

Statement of Diversity and Unity

Soapbox Stageworks is committed to elevating representation of traditionally underrepresented communities, culture, and stories through the exploration of provocative and challenging themes. May our passion for excellent storytelling ultimately unite us. 

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